Predictions 2017.12 – Graham Smith

December 9, 2016

The War on the Internet will continue unabated amidst a crescendo of demands for banning, blocking, filtering and extra-judicial takedown.

A number of innocent people will have wrongly been accused, arrested or have had search warrants executed against them as a result of communications data errors (adding to the 34 people from 2008 to 2015).

The potential for intelligence agencies to use bulk metadata for unseeded behavioural pattern analysis and anomaly detection will become a focus of challenges to surveillance legislation.

Anyone caught looking at a foreign website will be sent off to internet re-education camp. Actually that was just a bad dream. I think.

{b}{i}Graham Smith is a partner in Bird & Bird LLP and specialises in IT, internet and intellectual property law. His Cyberleagle blog is at