IT Disputes Law and Practice

£120.00 (Member price)

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This module focuses on various types of IT contracts, common disputes arising from them, and strategies to mitigate these disputes.

 The importance of clear contractual requirements, the use of service level agreements, and the role of independent experts in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a case are emphasized. The discussion also covers the benefits of escalation clauses in contracts, the intricacies of dispute resolution clauses, and the SCL Adjudication Scheme (SCLA) as a process for resolving disputes in an expedited and cost-effective manner.

  • Master Service Agreements
  • Common Areas of Disputes
  • IT Contract Disputes and Lessons Learned
  • IT Contract Termination and Disputes
  • Dispute Mitigation Strategies in Commercial Relationships
  • Strategies for Mitigating IT Project Disputes
  • Escalation Clauses, Dispute Resolution, and SCL