Professor Chris Marsden, Professor of Internet Law at the University of Sussex, Founder-Director of the Centre for Information Governance Research
Graham Smith, Of Counsel, Bird & Bird LLP
Dr Ian Brown, Visiting Professor FGV, Expert Advisor to OSF on interoperability remedies for DSA/DMA
Professor Alison Harcourt, Professor of Politics, Exeter, Project Director ESRC UK in a Changing Europe programme with the project “The impact of a proposed UK Brexit from the EU: the UK communications industries”
Tim Cowen, Chair of the Antitrust Practice at Preiskel & Co, CMA, Expert on competition law in communications markets
The Digital Services Act package will have two main parts: to increase and harmonise the responsibilities of online platforms and Information Society service providers, and regulate platforms’ content policies; to set ex-ante rules in markets characterised by large platforms acting as anticompetitive gatekeepers.
This seminar brings together four experts on the various elements of the new rules, to deal with the issues it presents for:
- Online platforms generally;
- larger gatekeepers including the GAFAM companies;
- technical interoperability remedies for both inline platforms and the GAFAM players;
- the implications for newly Brexit Britain in revising its own rules, including the long-running ‘Online Harms’ legislative agenda.