Apple fined €1.8 billion over App store rules for music streaming providers

The European Commission has fined Apple over €1.8 billion for abusing its dominant position on the market for the distribution of music streaming apps to iPhone and iPad users (‘iOS users’) through its App Store. In particular, the Commission found that Apple applied restrictions on app developers which prevented them from informing iOS users about…

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Law Commission calls for evidence on digital assets and consults on draft legislation

The Law Commission has launched a call for evidence to inform its project on private international law in the context of digital assets and electronic trade documents. It is also separately seeking views on draft legislation following its report on digital assets in June 2023. Digital assets and electronic trade documents in private international law…

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Digital Services Act starts applying to all online platforms in the EU

The DSA started to apply on 17 February 2024. On 17 February, the Digital Services Act (DSA), started to apply to online intermediaries in the EU with the exception of certain SMEs and micro-businesses. The DSA aims to ensure that EU users are better protected against illegal goods and content and have their rights upheld…

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European Commission and consumer authorities investigate online influencers

Only 20% of influencers disclose that their content is advertising. The European Commission and national consumer protection authorities have issued the results of a sweep of social media posts by 572 influencers. The sweep found that 97% posted commercial content but only one in five systematically indicated that their content was advertising. The objective of…

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European Data Protection Board holds latest plenary session

Among other things, the EDPB adopted an Opinion on the notion of main establishment. During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted an Opinion on the notion of main establishment and on the criteria for the application of the One-Stop-Shop mechanism, following a request under Article 64(2) GDPR by the French data protection authority. The Opinion…

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