Commission opens in-depth investigation into the proposed acquisition of Figma by Adobe

The European Commission has launched an in-depth investigation under the EU Merger Regulation to review the proposed acquisition of Figma by Adobe. The Commission has concerns that the transaction may reduce competition in the global markets for the supply of interactive product design software and for digital asset creation tools. Adobe is a global software…

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BOOK REVIEW: The New Goliaths: How Corporations Use Software to Dominate Industries, Kill Innovation, and Undermine Regulation

James Bessen’s The New Goliaths landed on this reader’s desk for review just as the present AI fanfare started to gain momentum. While the book offers little in the way of concrete predictions as to the development of competition and innovation in AI, its prescience should not be underestimated. Indeed, this eminently readable account of…

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Below the Filter: Has the Time for Employment Rights for Content Moderators Finally Arrived?

As the sun rises, a worker prepares for yet another gruelling day at work. For eight hours, their weary eyes confront a barrage of disturbing posts that plunge into the abyss of humanity’s darkest corners: texts, videos and images of suicides, beheadings, explicit sexual acts and other harmful content demand their unwavering attention. They are…

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UK government consults on new regulatory framework for product safety

Since issuing a call for evidence in 2021, the UK government has developed proposals for consultation, setting out the next steps in reforming the product safety regulatory framework. It points out that from online marketplaces to connected devices, they way people buy products and the products themselves have gone through huge changes in recent years…

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European Commission investigates possible anticompetitive practices by Microsoft regarding Teams

The European Commission has opened a formal investigation to assess whether Microsoft may have breached UK competition rules by tying or bundling its communication and collaboration product Teams to its popular suites for businesses: Office 365 and Microsoft 365. Microsoft is a global technology company offering productivity and business software, cloud computing and personal computing….

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Amazon offers commitments about Marketplace rules to address CMA concerns

In response to competition concerns raised by the CMA, Amazon has offered commitments not to use Marketplace seller data and to treat all sellers’ offers equally when selecting which to feature in the ‘Buy Box’. The CMA considers that these commitments would ensure third-party sellers’ product offers have a fair chance of being prominently displayed…

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UK government publishes response on consultation on Online Advertising Programme

The UK government has published its response following its consultation about its Online Advertising Programme. The Online Advertising Programme reviewed the regulatory framework of paid-for online advertising to tackle the “evident lack of transparency and accountability across the whole supply chain”. The government says that there were some clear themes amongst the responses, notably that…

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