CJEU rules that a national competition authority can find, when examining an abuse of a dominant position, that the GDPR has been infringed

The CJEU has issued its long-awaited decision in the case of Case C-252/21 | Meta Platforms and Others. Users of Facebook must accepts its terms of service, which refer to Meta Platforms’ data and cookies policies. Under those terms, Meta Platforms collects data from other Meta Platforms group services, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, as…

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Cryptocurrency as property: the latest from the Hong Kong courts

The question of the decade, “what is cryptocurrency?” elicits  many responses – not least from lawyers. England, New Zealand and Canada and other courts in common law jurisdictions have broadly established that cryptocurrencies can be treated as a form of property for different purposes. The UK Jurisdiction Taskforce’s Legal Statement on Cryptoassets and Smart Contracts…

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EU Data Act finalised

The European Data Act has been finalised between the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. It was originally proposed by the European Commission in February 2022. It says that it is needed because the full value of data in the European economy is not being reaped due to several factors. Key issues include…

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Law Society says that legal sector must play an integral role in the advancement and regulation of AI

The Law Society has responded to the UK government’s White Paper on the regulation of AI. In that response, it has highlighted the important role that the legal profession plays in the advancement of responsible technologies, as well as in implementing standards and regulation. Its key recommendations include: the UK government should introduce a blend…

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Law Commission makes recommendations for reform and development of law on digital assets

The Law Commission of England and Wales has published recommendations for reform and development of the law relating to digital assets, including crypto-tokens (cryptocurrencies) and non-fungible tokens. They are increasingly used for an increasing variety of purposes, such as for investment, for making payments, and for linking or embodying debt and equity securities. The Commission…

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CJEU says individuals have the right to know when and why people look at their personal information

The Court of Justice of the European Union has issued its ruling in Case C-579/21 | Pankki S. In 2014, an employee of the bank Pankki S who was also a customer, learnt that his colleagues had looked at his personal information on several occasions. He doubted that this was lawful. On 29 May 2018,…

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