ICO issues report warning of dangers of discrimination in neurotechnologies

The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued a new report which warns that newly emerging neurotechnologies risk discriminating against people if those groups are not put at the heart of their development. The ICO predicts that the use of technology to monitor neurodata, the information coming direcrly from the brain and nervous system, will become widespread…

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The third edition of the Blockchain: Legal & Regulatory Guidance is published

The third edition of the Blockchain: Legal & Regulatory Guidance has been published today and is a collaboration between Tech London Advocates (TLA), The Law Society and SCL. You can access the Guidance on a new training platform which has been created by SCL and is available here You can also access the report (including…

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All Party Parliamentary Group for Crypto & Digital Assets publishes report

In April 2022, the UK government set out its vision to make the UK the global hub for cryptocurrency investment, committing to create the right conditions for cryptocurrency and digital asset businesses to set up and to scale up in the UK. The Crypto and Digital Assets All Party Parliamentary Group launched an initial Inquiry…

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Irish Data Protection Commission announces £1.2 billion fine on conclusion of inquiry into Meta Ireland

The Irish Data Protection Commission has concluded its inquiry into Meta Ireland, during which it examined the basis upon which Meta Ireland transfers personal data from the EU/EEA to the US in connection with the delivery of its Facebook service. The DPC adopted its final decision on 12 May 2023. It says that Meta Ireland…

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Advertising in the metaverse: 3 top points to consider

While the hype around the metaverse may have cooled, brands (particularly in the fashion and retail industries) are continuing to engage with their consumers using metaverse environments, sometimes known as “direct to avatar (D2A)” marketing. They are also still  investing in “space”, “land” and “displays” in metaverse environments allowing users to see billboards, signages, video…

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House of Commons Treasury Committee issues report on cryptoassets

The House of Commons Treasury Committee has issued a report on cryptoassets. It points out that cryptoassets span a wide and rapidly evolving range of digital instruments, although the market continues to be dominated by unbacked cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether that the Committee does not consider as having any intrinsic value. Given their…

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