European Commission proposes Regulation on essential standard patents

The European Commission has proposed Regulations on standard essential patents, compulsory licensing of patents in crisis situations, and amendments to the laws about supplementary protection certificates. These aim to create a more transparent, effective and futureproof intellectual property rights framework. The Commission says that intangible assets like brands, designs, patents and data are increasingly important…

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Advocate General says that unlawful access to personal data by third parties leads to liability for presumed fault on the part of the controller

The Advocate General has issued his opinion in the case of Case C-340/21 | Natsionalna agentsia za prihodite. In 2019, there was unauthorised access to the information system of the Bulgarian National Revenue Agency (NAP) and that various items of tax and social security information regarding millions of people had been published on the internet….

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Beyond Binary: Revisiting the Interplay of Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law

The TV turns on, without prompt, and switches to the news. The company you are working for has decided to implement a new AI system, rendering your role and the roles of many of your colleagues redundant. You ask your virtual assistant to bring up your social media and attempt to post your distaste at…

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Court of Appeal dismisses appeal in telecoms patent contract dispute

The Court of Appeal has issued its ruling in Adaptive Spectrum and Signal Alignment Inc v British Telecommunications plc [2023] EWCA Civ 451. The case concerned a contract between Adaptive Spectrum and Signal Alignment Inc (ASSIA) and British Telecommunications plc (BT) to settle several international patent disputes concerning home broadband internet connection technology. Amongst other…

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Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill receives its first reading in parliament

The long-awaited Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill has received its first reading in the House of Commons. The publication of the Bill follows the UK government’s responses to the “reforming competition and consumer policy” and “a new pro-competition regime for digital markets” consultations. It has three key areas of focus: Consumer protection The consumer…

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