Live streaming of video classes falls within the scope of the GDPR

The Court of Justice of the EU has ruled in the case of Case C-34/21 Hauptpersonalrat der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer beim Hessischen Kultusministerium v Minister des Hessischen Kultusministeriums. The referral concerned whether teachers employed by a Land Hessen ministry had to consent to the streaming of their lessons by videoconference call, or, if they did…

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European Commission proposes more digitalisation of EU company law

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive aimed at making it easier for companies to expand the use of digital tools and processes in EU company law. The proposal aims to facilitate cross-border companies’ operations and to increase business transparency and trust by making more information about companies publicly available at EU…

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CAP issues enforcement notice regarding free trials and subscriptions

The Committee on Advertising Practice says that research from Citizens Advice has found that three in four people in the UK (73%) have at least one subscription, while one in four (26%) have signed up to a subscription service by accident, in most instances, because they didn’t get round the cancelling a free trial. Subscription…

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Cloud Portability and Interoperability under the EU Data Act: Dynamism versus Equivalence

For the EU legislator, the proposal for a Data Act represents an important step towards the enactment of long-term rules aimed at establishing good governance of the data economy and appropriate incentives to innovate. While the proposed regulation contains many valuable provisions that are worthy of implementation, we find that insufficient thought appears to have…

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