Book Review: Cloud Computing: A Practical Introduction to the Legal Issues

‘It’s amazing how they can transmit the internet through the clouds, isn’t it? What jurisdiction are they even in?’ I checked that my friend wasn’t in fact referring to Google’s Loon project or Facebook’s solar-powered drones (where these are pertinent questions[[]]) and then offered to lend him this book: Renzo Marchini’s ‘Cloud Computing: A Practical…

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Dysfunctional IT – Project Dysfunctions: A Tsunami of Change

Andrew Hooles has written a series of blog posts exploring what he describes as the five dysfunctions of IT deals (project dysfunctions, solution dysfunctions, procurement dysfunctions, relationship dysfunctions and contractual dysfunctions). In these, he aims to identify the key factors to successful IT deals and to establish a baseline for technology deals that customers, suppliers and their advisers can agree upon. This article derives from his post on what he considers to be one factor associated with project dysfunctions – change. There is a link to the series of articles at the end of this piece….

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