Social Media Offences: House of Lords Inquiry
The House of Lords Communications Committee has announced an inquiry into social media and communications offences…
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The House of Lords Communications Committee has announced an inquiry into social media and communications offences…
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Pearse Ryan, Rob Cain and Emma Dunne review the developments on crypto-currencies like Bitcoin which are of relevance in Ireland…
Read More… from Crypto-currencies and the Law – The Irish Position
Susan Barty and Stuart Helmer look at a recent finding by the Advertising Standards Authority and the lessons that can be drawn from it…
Albert Gidari Jr offers a view from the USA on the approach which should be taken to resolving some of the issues that arise from the Google Spain judgment…
Read More… from In Right to Be Forgotten Proceedings, Who Represents the Public Interest?
These are questions arising from the Podcast: SCL Foundations of IT Law Programme: Module 4 – Procuring Goods and Services. Course code HW/SFCL:OC19 – CPD: 2 hours….
Read More… from CPD Online: SCL Foundations of IT Law: Module 4
Lillian Pang aims to shine a floodlight on Big Data…
The General Court has upheld the fine of €1.06 billion imposed on Intel for having abused its dominant position…
Here is why IT law practitioners really need to attend the SCL Technology Law Futures Forum. It is all about – understanding and influencing the future of technology law…
I worry about coping with ‘future technology’ today…
Facebook has announced it is asking for regulatory approval to run its own money transfer service, joining the likes of Google in challenging the banks over the supply of consumer finance services. Simon Deane-Johns assesses the impact of these developments on the dominance of banks within the financial sector. This article first appeared in the May issue of E-Finance & Payments Law & Policy:…
Read More… from The End of the Beginning of Non-bank Finance?