Law Society Guidance on Use of the Cloud
The Law Society has published a practice note on the use of cloud computing services in law firms….
The Law Society has published a practice note on the use of cloud computing services in law firms….
The CJEU has ruled that, by prematurely bringing to an end the term served by its Data Protection Supervisor, Hungary has infringed EU law…
Read More… from Data Protection Independence for Supervisors
Claire Andrews and Lucy Dillon report on the SCL KM Group meeting of 25 February 2014…
Stunning new technology is now available on the SCL web site…
The Article 29 Working Party has published a new Working document (01/2014) offering new clauses for the transfer of data to a processor outside the EU….
Read More… from Article 29 Working Party: EU Processor to Non-EU Sub-processor Model Clauses
Nominet has announced policy changes that it describes as formalising its approach to tackling criminal activity on .uk domains but which also deals with domain names associated with sexual offences…
An OFT market study has found scope for improvement in purchase and supply of public sector ICT…
Laurence Eastham looks at Cloud Computing Law, edited by Christopher Millard, OUP 2013, 436 pp, £34.95, ISBN978-0-19-967168-7…
Graham Smith offers his take on the CJEU decision in UPC Telekabel v Constantin Film…
Read More… from EU Court of Justice Lays Down Rules for Copyright Site Blocking Injunctions
The Court of Justice of the European Union has endorsed the use of blocking orders where courts require an ISP to restrict access to a copyright-infringing web site…