Interflora v Marks & Spencer: All Still to Play For or a Win for Interflora?

The Court of Justice claims to have clarified the scope of trade mark protection in the EU but has left the High Court to determine, inter alia, whether the use by Marks & Spencer within Google’s referencing service of keywords corresponding to the trade mark of its competitor Interflora undermined any of the ‘functions’ of that trade mark and whether it was ‘free-riding’….

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Internet Casino Games: Latest ECJ Judgment

In its latest judgment in an ongoing series, the ECJ has again ruled that a monopoly on the operation of internet casino games is justifiable only if it seeks in a consistent and systematic manner to combat the risks connected with such games. When assessing the proportionality of a monopoly, the national courts are not required to take into account the monitoring and control systems regulating companies established in another Member State…

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