SCL in 2011

Returning from the Christmas and New Year (and snowbound) exodus I felt a distinct sense of depression around the office, with everybody glued to their laptops and avoiding any superfluous conversation. Maybe too much Christmas pudding and brandy butter (for which my mother, sadly no longer with us, had the best recipe – she once…

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Predictions 2011: Technology & Strategies for Lawyers – E-disclosure, E-evidence & Forensics

Each year we ask experts in a wide variety of fields for their views on the likely developments in the year ahead. This is a selection of the predictions published on the SCL web site that relate to technological developments that affect legal practice and the forecast changes for e-disclosure, electronic evidence and forensics…

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Future Content  My heading suggests that I am about to outline our programme of articles and features for 2011. But, since our aim is always to respond with great agility to the events shaping the legal IT landscape, I cannot say that I know much about what is to come past February. My heading is…

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