
Food for Thought This issue begins to reflect the July IFCLA Conference by including a selection of the papers which were presented there. I hope to include some of the other outstanding papers, both within these pages and on the SCL Web site, over the next few months. Some of the ideas which were raised…

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History Repeats Itself: Implementation of EU Data Protection Legislation in the Accession Countries

Although the accession countries have been swift to implement the data protection and e-privacy directives, a large majority have failed to implement them correctly in a number of important respects. Ironically, the areas of greatest departure are the same areas the Commission identified last year as the areas where the original 15 Member States had also fallen down. In a number of cases, the deficiencies are so great that the EU Member States are vulnerable to enforcement action by the EU Commission for failure to implement the directives as required. Richard Cumbley and Tanguy Van Overstraeten of Linklaters explain….

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IFCLA The magazine welcomes all those travelling from abroad to attend the Conference of the International Federation of Computer Law Associations in Oxford, whether delegates or speakers. The impressive programme of events and speakers suggests that it will be a great success and I hope that the weather (one variable beyond even our estimable organiser’s…

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