Cyber Crime in Transition: Threat impact and investigation strategies

 As 2023 starts to draw to a close, it is an appropriate time to take stock of the Cyber landscape as it is and more specifically, threat actors that have been prevalent over the past year. With lower barriers to entry and an expansive risk environment, the cost of cyber-crime has reached £6.6 billion, surpassing…

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Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill has first reading in the House of Lords

The Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill received its first reading in the House of Lords on 22 November 2023. It provides that the UK government will create an AI Authority which will monitor the use and regulation of AI in the UK. It further sets out that regulation of AI should deliver safety, security and robustness;…

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Autumn Statement 2023: techlaw elements

The Chancellor has issued his Autumn Statement, including the following announcements of interest to tech lawyers. The government is exploring the use of cutting-edge technologies, including quantum, in the public sector. The National Quantum Computing Centre is supporting government and industry to explore how quantum computing could be applied and the government has launched a…

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Home Office issues response to Computer Misuse Act consultation

The Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) is the main legislation that criminalises unauthorised access to computer systems and data, and the damaging or destroying of these. The intention behind the Act is protecting the integrity and security of computer systems and data through criminalising access to them which has not been authorised by the owner…

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European Commission sends Adobe Statement of Objections over proposed acquisition of Figma

The European Commission has informed Adobe of its preliminary view that its proposed acquisition of Figma may reduce competition in the global markets for the supply of interactive product design software and of other creative design software. Adobe is a global software company offering, among other things, creative design software tools (for example, Illustrator and…

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Automated Vehicles Bill receives first reading in UK parliament

Last week we wrote that the Automated Vehicles Bill received its first reading in the House of Lords on 8 November. The Automated Vehicles Bill implements the recommendations of the four-year review of regulation for automated vehicles carried out jointly by the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission. It is…

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