How Strange the Change
A change in the C&L editorial style guide may say something about the role of the Internet today. Whether it is uplifting or depressing is up to you….
A change in the C&L editorial style guide may say something about the role of the Internet today. Whether it is uplifting or depressing is up to you….
The SCL Policy Forum 2009 is entitled ‘After the crunch – law and regulation in the new information age’ and is to be held on 21 and 22 September 2009 at the offices of Herbert Smith LLP, who are sponsors of the event. Laurence Eastham briefly outlines the event….
Struan Robertson gives a full account of Patchett and Patchett v SPATA, and offers his analysis of the judgments. He has doubts about the judges’ grasp of Web site behaviour and sees a forthcoming resurgence of the site waiver as a possible result of the case. This article is an edited version of material first appearing on the OUT-LAW Web site at…
Andrew Withers outlines some key considerations where customers are reviewing their existing outsourcing arrangements or are showing some reluctance to enter into new outsourcing arrangements….
Read More… from Managing Outsourcing Arrangements During a Recession
When the surveillance society came knocking at my door, I started off grateful and ended up worried. And I started to wonder about privacy and the right to do wrong….
The Information Commissioner’s Office has released a new statement on the government plans for a database of communications data….
Read More… from New ICO Statement on the Interception Modernisation Programme
Brian Harley, Philip Nolan, Liam Ó Móráin and Mark Leyden tease out, from the current state of the emerging technologies, what legal challenges those involved in the development of the Semantic Web and its applications need to be aware of. They also give lawyers who are not familiar with the Semantic Web a glimpse of the potential and pitfalls that these exciting new technologies present….
The ICO has issued a memorandum on the Government amendments to the Coroners and Justice Bill introduced in the House of Lords….
Read More… from Latest ICO Comment on New Data Protection Proposals
A new fee structure for data protection notification has been published and comes into force on 1 October….
Rosemary Jay looks at the current thinking in the EU on data exports, and regrets that she seems to encounter one example of data protection law being topsy-turvy….
Read More… from Data Exports to Processors and Sub-processors