Indian Outsourcing: Winning Strategies through Proper Tax Planning
Vishal Malhotra provides his expert view on outsourcing and tax strategies for India…
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Vishal Malhotra provides his expert view on outsourcing and tax strategies for India…
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Clive Davies and Owen Williams take a close look at the new regime for public sector contracting….
Read More… from Public Sector IT Procurement: OGC Guidance and Models for Project Contracts
The Customer and Supplier Marriage: An industry view of the IT and outsourcing project lifecycle and related legal issues…
Mike Conradi and Travers Symons look at the problems with click fraud, and ask when a ‘click’ is not a ‘click’….
Hazel Randall looks at what’s bubbling on the back of the IT-development stove, and what IT lawyers can do to help turn it into a nutritious dish….
Richard Stephens compares the all-in-one capabilities of leading products from the Sony Ericsson and HP ranges….
Read More… from “One device to rule them all and in the darkness bind them …”
Shalini Agarwal gives readers the benefit of her perspective on the advantages of outsourcing in India, and the risks….
Read More… from Offshore Outsourcing Revisited: The Perspective from India
Given the complicated matters that are often resolved by a given piece of legislation, you might expect the resulting law to be able to easily, and with a high degree of certainty, determine whether an individual had said yes or no – particularly when the matter in question is not a serious criminal offence. Well, think again. Then extend that wooliness into the world of outsourcing and the problems begin to multiply, as Tim Pullan of Lawrence Graham explains….
Read More… from Data Protection and Offshore Outsourcing: Did he or didn’t he?
Stephen Deadman, Senior Solicitor at Vodafone, comments on a recent article and explains why he thinks the use of mobiles by minors carries little legal risk….
Read More… from Minors, Mobiles and the Law: Review comments
Privacy and anonymity are concepts that appear to be rapidly fading away into insignificance as networked communications become ubiquitous. This is an issue that is raised, together with the development of human rights, in the recent text Mapping the Global Future A Report of the National Intelligence Council’s 2020 Project NIC 2004-13, December 2004). A…