Intellectual Property in a Peripheral Jurisdiction
Annual Lecture to the Scottish Group of Society for Computers & Law, 22 June 1999…
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Annual Lecture to the Scottish Group of Society for Computers & Law, 22 June 1999…
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Ewan McIntyre is head of the IP/IT Group of Edinburgh law firmRobson McLean WS ( The Group gathered in the offices of Messrs Shepherd & Wedderburn WS,Edinburgh, for the 1999 AGM and Group meeting on 22 September 1999. The AGM waschaired by the Group’s Chairman, John Sibbald. Events The meeting opened with the formalities of…
John Ridd has worked in the technology industry for 15 years andis Managing Director of XTML, a specialist provider of permanent Internet accesssolutions. Their Web site is at The dramatic increase in the number of large commercial firms going onlinefar outweighs the number of smaller law firms. With over 10.5 million Internetusers in the…
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Richard Cohen is Legal Director of Epoch Software. He can becontacted on 0181 931 3030 or via e-mail at There was a time when solicitors were held in high regard. Much like doctorsand bank managers their expertise was never questioned and their incomes wereassured. However, now that the year 2000 is almost upon us,…
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Tim Pullan is a solicitor in the IT Telecoms Group at ArnheimTite & Lewis. He may be contacted at On 12 July, the Government announced that the UK Data Protection Act 1998will come into force on the 1 March 2000. This announcement has ended months ofspeculation about the start date for the new legislation,…
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William Cook is a solicitor in the Intellectual Property andCommunications Groups at Simmons & Simmons, with particular experience inpatent litigation and advice relating to copyright and other forms of protectionof computer software. The recent decision in Mars UK Ltd v Teknowledge (11 June 1999) raisesimportant issues for companies making goods containing computer software, inparticular concerning…
Sarah Ahmed is a Partner and Head of the Commercial Departmentat Anthony Gold Lerman & Muirhead. She can be contacted on 0171 940 4000. Management consultancy, including computer consultancy, is one of theso-called ‘new professions’ who can buy insurance labelled ‘professionalindemnity’ to underwrite their competence. The case of Stephenson Blake (Holdings) Ltd v Streets Heaver…
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John Gailey of Advanced Recognition Ltd, Member Scottish GroupCommittee & John Sibbald of Professional Library Services, Chairman of theScottish Group consider the new Scottish Court Web site (,launched on 24 February, which marked a milestone in the justice system not onlyfor Scotland but for the United Kingdom as a whole. The authors review the siteand…
Heather Rowe is a Partner at Lovell White Durrant….
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Iain G. Mitchell QC, a member of the Scottish Committee of theSociety for Computers and Law, Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Lawyers’ EuropeanGroup, and a Senior Counsel at the Scottish Bar with an extensive civilpractice, reports on a joint meeting of the Scottish Group and the ScottishLawyers’ European Group held in Edinburgh on Thursday 22 January…
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