From Conception to Birth – a Rotherham firm’s technology quest
Christine Yates is IT Manager at Oxley & Coward of Rotherham….
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Christine Yates is IT Manager at Oxley & Coward of Rotherham….
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Nicholas Wood is a director of Net Searchers International Ltd, the UK based company which assists brand and trademark specialists to protect intellectual property on the Internet through audits, searching, monitoring, tracking and registrations….
Richard Harrison uses the recent British Sugar case to take stock of a potentially confusing area of law. Richard is a litigation partner in Laytons and can be contacted on 0171 842 8000 or….
The International Federation of Computer Law Associations’ Conference takes place in Oxford on 8 and 9 July….
Peter Bullock is a Partner at Masons and heads their Informationand Technology Law Group in Hong Kong having relocated there from Masons’London office last year. He may be contacted by e-mail at….
Julian Boardman-Weston of Computer Counsel, Chairman of the Midlands Group, reports the most recent meeting….
Read More… from Midlands Group: Losing your Shirt on the Outsourcing Lottery
Richard Morgan is a founder member of SCL and was a former Chairman….
Jackie Wilson, Chair of the Solent Group and a solicitor in private practice, reports on the meeting of 29 April….
Read More… from Solent Group Report: The Millennium Bug – The Legal Issues
Zaccheaus Knox-Hooke is a barrister who specialises in IT law and related matters. He was for many years a programmer, analyst and projectmanager. He has a thorough knowledge of programming languages, structure andtechniques as well as systems development. He is currently Year 2000 lawyer fora major city financial institution. He can be contacted on….
Read More… from Software Correction and the Year 2000 Problem