Cracking the Code
In a further preview of our Tech Law Masterclass, here is Rosemary Jay on the role of codes of practice under the Data Protection Act 2018….
In a further preview of our Tech Law Masterclass, here is Rosemary Jay on the role of codes of practice under the Data Protection Act 2018….
A second workshop in Egypt sponsored by SCL, in association with other organisations, was held on 24 September and appears to have been a great success. We have had a report of the event from SCL Ambassador Dr Mohamed N. Elguindy, Program Director, Cybercrime Faculty of Law, The British University in Egypt: The Faculty of…
Read More… from SCL Sponsored Events – Latest Development in Egypt
The British Board of Film Classification has published guidance relating to age-verification arrangements as they affect access to pornography on the Internet…
Read More… from Guidance on Age-verification Arrangements from the BBFC
It seemed unfair to hang on to this article from Professor Chris Marsden, another in our Tech Law Masterclass series for the October/November issue, when Internet regulation is such a hot topic. Chris looks back at the Internet’s legal history, with a view to helping us to move forward in an informed manner…
Read More… from The Regulated End of Internet Law, and the Return to Computer and Information Law?
In this, the second ‘teaser’ for the Tech Law Masterclass series of articles which will appear in the October/November issue of Computers & Law, Daithí Mac Síthigh considers approaches to regulation of communications of all kinds, reflecting on lessons from the past – especially lessons about categorisation and how specific regulation should be…
Cynthia O’Donoghue and Katalina Bateman report on the first tribunal case overturning an ICO fine for sending marketing emails without opt-in consent. It is a case based on the consent rules pre-GDPR…
Neil Brown reviews ‘Blockchain and the Legal Profession’ and isn’t convinced……
Read More… from Book Review: Blockchain and the Legal Profession
Laurence Eastham reflects on the SCL Annual Conference 2018, which had keynotes, panels, a conversation and flash talks…
Read More… from SCL Conference 18 – Flash Event Flashes Past
Rachel Lidgate and Charlie Morgan offer an in-depth look at smart contracts and the teasing challenges which they display…
Read More… from Hashing out the Implications of Smart Contracting under English Law
If Wordsworth was alive, he would no doubt have left Westminster Bridge and attended the SCL Conference. But, in his unavoidable absence, his muse descended on Holly Pearsall and she gave her flash talk at the Conference in verse. Here is her much discussed, and widely praised, poem in full. It needs to be read aloud to get full value….
Read More… from Poetry Corner – Negotiating Cloud Deals Advice