Dawson-Damer: The Irresistible Rise of the DPA
Christopher Knight summarises an important Court of Appeal judgment on subject access requests and legal professional privilege….
Read More… from Dawson-Damer: The Irresistible Rise of the DPA
Christopher Knight summarises an important Court of Appeal judgment on subject access requests and legal professional privilege….
Read More… from Dawson-Damer: The Irresistible Rise of the DPA
There are new SCL Trustees and two of those retiring from the Board of Trustees have become SCL Fellows…
The alternative title suggested by Gill Hunt and Vicky Cooper was: ‘I’m a disappointed Business Sponsor, get me out of here!’, which illustrates the focus of this perceptive and useful article….
Martin Sloan and Leigh Gapinski consider a recent case where the court awarded £17,000 in damages for breaches of the DPA in relation to domestic CCTV…
Pearse Ryan and Robert Cain raise awareness of an interesting new initiative…
Robert Morley embraces the potential of AI in legal but believes that AI will only ever be a useful tool – a servant rather than the lawyer’s master…
Sue McLean takes a careful look at a series of common questions that arise, and are likely to arise with increasing frequency, where support is sought from practitioners on a blockchain project…
Mike Pierides, Sarah Atkinson and Dan Coen cover the basic, and crucial, issues that need to be considered when multi-jurisdictional outsourcing contracts are in contemplation…
Pearse Ryan and Robert Cain highlight the role of an EU task force and the issues it is likely to address…
Read More… from European Commission’s Internal Task Force on FinTech
Manish Soni sheds some light on a vital area – trusted computing – which underpins our computing and which few IT lawyers understand…