Benchmark Regulation: Impact on Outsourcing of Benchmarks
Hinal Patel and Sophie Sheldon highlight the importance of a new draft EU regulation…
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Hinal Patel and Sophie Sheldon highlight the importance of a new draft EU regulation…
Read More… from Benchmark Regulation: Impact on Outsourcing of Benchmarks
Alex Shattock and Gideon Shirazi consider recent case law on contractual interpretation and what it might mean for IT contracts by reference to a common scenario in IT outsourcing…
Read More… from Matter over Mind? The Impact of Recent Case Law on IT Contracts
Michael Butterworth and Rachel Kane review a wide range of cases where the courts have been asked to consider the impact of an obligation to exercise ‘good faith’ and draw useful lessons from them…
Read More… from Express Obligations of Good Faith In IT/Outsourcing Agreements
Andres Guadamuz and Chris Marsden explain the origins of blockchain, highlight some of its applications and look to its future…
Read More… from Blockchains not Bitcoin: Distributed Ledger Technology
In the latest in our series of articles on the GDPR, Felicity Turton reflects on the change in the wording of the consent requirement and speculates on its impact…
Read More… from Shifting the Burden of Consent under the GDPR
Lorna Cropper explains why she believes that users of wearable technology will receive greater protection under the GDPR, in particular via data protection by design and by default and because of codes of conduct and certification….
Stewart James gives an account of this important new pending directive…
Read More… from The Network and Information Security Directive (‘Cybersecurity’ Directive)
Kit Burden looks at the potential impact of robotics process automation and related technology on the outsourcing industry and highlights some aspects that should be getting the attention of tech lawyers operating in the outsourcing sphere….
Read More… from Automation in Outsourcing: Are the Robots about to Eat our Lunch?
Matthew Holman aims to clarify the SME exemptions and specific provisions set out in the compromise text of the GDPR. He also explores some of the areas where SME provisions were anticipated but ultimately were not included…
Read More… from Tidal Wave on the Horizon: The GDPR and SMEs
In another in our series focusing on the impact of the GDPR, Natalie Stockmann asks if the end of the old funding model for the ICO creates a challenge or opportunity…
Read More… from GDPR and ICO Funding: What now for the Information Commissioner?