The Advent of Workflow Solutions in Legal Services

Law firms around the world are talking about the ‘processization’ and “commoditisation” of legal services. Indeed, many lawyers regard certain legal services as ideal areas of practice for this. Iain Unett formerly a senior lawyer with British Telecommunications Plc and now Product Development Director with Lexfutura, the strategic knowledge and technology hub, discusses the advent of workflow systems…

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BT Broadband

We asked BT for an article addressing the difficulties that are arising on implementation. These answers to some of the frequently asked questions BTopenworld receives from customers implementing broadband are what we got. Hopefully they will assist. In addition, there is a useful page on the BTopenworld site at 0,,csn=337,00.html. This has a list of frequently asked questions and provides detailed, step-by-step solutions to them. For example, it outlines how to set up an Internet dialer. Don’t miss the chance to let us know about your experience of broadband, and possible alternatives at….

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