Buzzword Buster

Delia Venables is a computer consultant for lawyers and also editor of theInternet Newsletter for Lawyers. She can be contacted on 01273 472424 or her web pages are at This article explains some of the trends and ‘buzzwords’ currentlyassociated with developments on the Internet. Some of these are associated thedevelopment of e-commerce –…

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Mars and Bars on Software Protection

William Cook is a solicitor in the Intellectual Property andCommunications Groups at Simmons & Simmons, with particular experience inpatent litigation and advice relating to copyright and other forms of protectionof computer software. The recent decision in Mars UK Ltd v Teknowledge (11 June 1999) raisesimportant issues for companies making goods containing computer software, inparticular concerning…

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Working from Home – some technical (and practical) considerations

Richard Blasdale is a Managing Consultant with Grant Thorntonand has over ten years’ experience in advising legal firms on IT relatedmatters. For many of us, ‘working from home’ used to be a way to escape thephone and get some serious thinking, drafting (or even gardening!) done. Now,technology enables us to work away from the office…

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