Killing Cloud Quickly, with GDPR…?
Kuan Hon mourns the (impending) death of cloud computing at the hands of the GDPR, and even suggests a song to sing while preparing for its demise…
Kuan Hon mourns the (impending) death of cloud computing at the hands of the GDPR, and even suggests a song to sing while preparing for its demise…
Marlon Cohen gives a detailed update on progress and raises some of the questions that surround the smart metering project…
These predictions come from a wide cross-section of lawyers engaged in tech law…
Joanna Goodman presents her predictions, focusing on the legal IT challenge for 2016 – Risk vs Innovation…
Read More… from Predictions 2016: Legal Tech in the Near Future
An important EU’s public consultation, seeking views on a series of questions targeting relations between platform providers and holders of rights in digital content, has a deadline of 6 January for responses…
If you are bored with space launches and want to be distracted from thoughts of the trilogue, Jane Seager has some distracting domain name predictions for you…
A bumper start to the predictions week with a full set from Joanna Goodman…
A bumper set of tech predictions from Joanna Goodman started the day and Graham Hann has another bumper set on emerging technology and the impact on (and of) law to give you more food for thought…
The EU has come to agreement on a Directive that aims to make the online environment more secure…
The latest prediction, from leading law firm IT director Jan DeCerce, focuses on the practical applications of cloud computing for law firms…