ICO Guidance on the Cloud
The ICO has acted to remind businesses of data responsibilities as more look to cloud computing to process personal information…
The ICO has acted to remind businesses of data responsibilities as more look to cloud computing to process personal information…
Laurence Eastham looks at two books with contrasting aims….
SCL has submitted its response to the ICO’s consultation on a draft Anonymisation Code of Practice…
Read More… from Anonymisation: SCL Response to ICO’s Consultation
Chris Watson and Bailey Ingram highlight a largely ignored impact of the Divisional Court’s much publicised judgment in Chambers v DPP, namely the ruling on the term ‘public electronic communications network’….
Read More… from The Twitter Joke Judgment: The Law with Unintended Consequences?
The European Economic and Social Committee has published its Opinion on the proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation…
Read More… from EESC Opinion on the Draft Data Protection Regulation
Eduardo Ustaran considers the data protection conundrums that cloud computing throws up and argues for a positive approach from regulators that recognises future realities…
They are all bigging up big data. With data obesity impending, Phil Lee gives you a slim and focused summary of what matters about big data….
The Article 29 Working Part has adopted a new Opinion which ‘analyses all relevant issues for cloud computing service providers operating in the EEA and their clients’….
Read More… from Cloud Computing: New Article 29 Working Party Opinion
Alastair Morrison explains that, if you have yet to move away from XP, you will have to fairly soon. He looks at the options that might ease the transition….
According to Advocate General Cruz Villalon, online database infringement occurs both where sent and received. Thanks to John Wilks of DLA Piper for this report….
Read More… from Football Dataco/ Sportradar case: Attorney General’s Opinion