Goodbye SAS70, Hello SSAE16
Kevin Boyle and Brian Meenagh look at important changes in US auditing standards and their effect on many IT contracts…
Kevin Boyle and Brian Meenagh look at important changes in US auditing standards and their effect on many IT contracts…
The EU Commission has published a proposal for a new legal framework governing online access to orphan works contained in libraries and archives…
Michael Harvey offers a challenging view, from an in-house IT lawyer’s perspective, on service levels and service credits. His article provides a valuable insight for those involved in outsourcing contracts, whether acting for customers or suppliers. These are the views of the author and not necessarily those of his company….
The Hargreaves Review may have good ideas but will they reach their destination. Is it time to worry less and realise that we are almost there already?…
Digital Opportunity, the report from the review group chaired by Professor Ian Hargreaves, has now been published….
Andrew Horrocks and Benjamin Craven draw lessons from the Media CAT debacle…
Stephen Smith and Andrew Hobson review the state of play in a battle that will affect what you read and how – and how much you pay for it. A version of this article first appeared in Competition Law Insight, 3 May 2011…
Read More… from Agency or Distribution? The Struggle for Mastery in e-book Pricing
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has now issued its proposals to implement the amendments to the EU Telecoms Framework, including controversial new rules on the use of cookies. These proposals have been followed by new guidance from the Information Commissioner and a further open letter from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Richard Cumbley and Peter Church explain how the new rules suggest a flexible approach to consent (but not yet through the use of browser settings)….
The ICO has imposed a monetary penalty of £1,000 on the owner of ACS for lax IT security…
Two big new initiatives from SCL over the last two months will surely not have passed you by. First, we had the launch of the scheme for certification and accreditation then we had the new SCL Directory, the directory of members on a searchable database, fully accessible to the public. The first two SCL IT…