Online Gambling Consultation
The EU Commission is engaging in a wide-ranging consultation and information-gathering exercise to help determine its future policy on online gambling…
The EU Commission is engaging in a wide-ranging consultation and information-gathering exercise to help determine its future policy on online gambling…
The Opinion of Advocate General Jääskinen in Interflora v Marks & Spencer has now been published. He takes the view that Marks & Spencer has infringed the Interflora trade mark by purchasing the disputed keyword….
Read More… from AdWords: Opinion in Interflora v Marks & Spencer Published
The judgment of Judge Denny Chin in the New York Federal Court has cast doubts on the implementation of the complex deal which was designed to allow Google to make a vast library of books available on the web…
Cynthia O’Donoghue, Nick Tyler and Katalina Chin report on the SCL Privacy and Data Protection Group Meeting held on 16 March at Reed Smith LLP…
Read More… from Meeting Report: Privacy by Design – ‘Grand Design’ or ‘Pipe Dream’
Georg R Briner gives his response to the recent article ‘Negotiating with Goliath’…
Read More… from Beyond the Caricature: Dealing with the Issues
Our increasing exposure as IT lawyers and indeed as human beings to the exponential advance of technology…
The European Court of Justice has ruled on when a web site operator is directing its services to a Member State in Case C-585/08 and C-144/09 Joined Cases Peter Pammer and Alpenhof, Judgment of 7 December 2010. This decision was made in the context of establishing a national court’s jurisdiction in a business to consumer transaction. Dr Julia Hörnle highlights the main issues and comments on the case….
The Divisional Court has been grappling with the dangers that arise from instant news and the less considered nature of online publication….
Laurence Eastham reports on the lecture from Dr Mike Lynch OBE at the IET on 8 March on the advent of meaning-based computing…
Read More… from SCL Annual Lecture 2011: The Advent of Meaning-based Computing
This is a revised version of Richard Morgan’s look at the classification of controllers, processors and sharers. He has revised it in light of the ICO new code on data sharing. Richard offers his own insights on how best to distinguish between the various classifications enshrined in the DPA….
Read More… from Data Controllers, Data Processors and Data Sharers