IT Lawyers’ Cases in Brief
Laurence Eastham summarises some of the judgments which have been published in the last two months and which are of interest to IT lawyers….
Laurence Eastham summarises some of the judgments which have been published in the last two months and which are of interest to IT lawyers….
This issue has two striking features: the preponderance of case reports and analysis and the contributions to policy formation from SCL represented by the cost-sharing response and the first Society for Computers and Law Policy Document. Cases What does it say about IT law that we can have no less than six articles devoted to…
With a wave of iPad mania sweeping through law firms, Martin Telfer looks at the explosion of interest in the latest mobile solutions and what it means for IT professionals in law firms….
Plain English consultant Daphne Perry reviews the latest StyleWriter style-checker software….
The Court of Justice has considered the revocation of .eu domain name registrations and evidence of bad faith in registration…
Read More… from Domain Name Registration: The Court of Justice and .eu
The Court of Justice has again supported legislation designed to create a national monopoly on gambling…
Ofcom has published its draft code of practice under the Digital Economy Act 2010 relating to online copyright infringement….
Read More… from Ofcom Consults on Code for ISPs’ Copyright Infringement Obligations
SCL has adopted a policy paper from Professor Chris Reed and Berna Akcali Gur as an official SCL Policy Document…
Read More… from SCL Policy Document: Digital Music and Online Intermediaries
The Trustees of SCL are delighted to adopt this important contribution to the debate on solutions to the problem of unlawful file-sharing and its effect on copyright holders as an SCL Policy Document. The Document, written by Professor Chris Reed and Berna Akcali Gur, reviews the legal issues surrounding copyright in digital music and the potential liability of ISPs and suggests a move to a long-term solution where access providers pay licence fees to content owners – and users receive the music free of restriction. The Paper is one product of the highly successful SCL Forum, held in September 2009 and hosted and sponsored by Herbert Smith LLP….
The Society for Computers and Law has submitted its response to the BIS Consultation on Online Infringement of Copyright (Initial Obligations) Cost-sharing…
Read More… from SCL Response on Copyright Infringement and Cost-sharing