21 Today
No, it’s not the Editor’s birthday, notwithstanding that damnably deceptive youthful look. It is SCL’s Twitter followers who have the key to the door. But what is it the door to?…
No, it’s not the Editor’s birthday, notwithstanding that damnably deceptive youthful look. It is SCL’s Twitter followers who have the key to the door. But what is it the door to?…
When it first appeared as a twinkle in the Queen’s Speech, I never believed for one moment that the Digital Economy Bill could become the Digital Economy Act 2010. I was wrong. Of course, if we lived in a rational world, I would have been right. But the Act went through most of its legislative…
Claire Purkiss and James Brunger look at a recent TCC case and highlight the dangers of proceeding with a business relationship without the protection and certainty that a contract to govern that relationship can bring….
Apparently, nobody reads online terms and conditions. So why are you wasting your time drafting them properly?…
A very interesting High Court judgment in Ireland has tackled the data protection implications of ISPs sharing data for the purpose of limiting illegal file-sharing…
Read More… from Data Protection and Three Strikes in Ireland
The Digital Economy Act 2010 has now been published…
Clive Freedman reports on a new case that addresses the liability of the operator of a blog with multiple contributors where one of the posts is libellous. To what extent is immunity as an information society service provider available?…
The BIS has issued a new consultation on Online Infringement of Copyright (Initial Obligations) Cost-Sharing and SCL is preparing to respond…
Read More… from Digital Economy Act: Online Infringement and Cost-Sharing Consultation
Julia Hörnle reports on the Court of Justice judgment in the Google AdWords case but questions whether the judgment gives quite as much freedom to Google as some have suggested….
Read More… from Google AdWords: Free Rein to Search Engines?
The Press Complaints Commission has upheld a complaint about an entry by Rod Liddle in his blog for the Spectator….