Guinness World Record Attempt?
Are the Ministry of Justice seeking an entry in the famous book?…
Are the Ministry of Justice seeking an entry in the famous book?…
Mike Conradi explains that agreement on EU Telecoms Reform is near to finalisation and describes the key changes which it will introduce…
Andreas Rühmkorf reports and comments on a landmark decision of the German Federal Court of Justice on the legality of a teacher rating web site….
Remember, remember – it’s going to take a while for the Telecoms Reform Package to be law. It might make less of a bang than we expect….
The first Internet addresses containing non-Latin characters from start to finish will soon be online….
Law firms are increasingly embracing the Internet as a way of accessing a variety of popular legal applications says Dominic Cullis of the LSSA. But what are the benefits – and drawbacks – of this kind of technology?…
Mike Henley asks if your firm and its people can deliver revolutionary change….
The naked truth is that enforcement and adaptation have to go hand-in-hand….
Winston Maxwell, Suzanne Rab and Daphne Monnoyeur report and comment on a meeting of the Online Roundtable on Music where participants agreed on a common roadmap…
Read More… from Online Music Retailing: Towards Borderless Business?
In Earles v Barclays Bank plc [2009] EWHC 1 (Mercantile) HHJ Simon Brown QC, a judge with a well deserved reputation for knowing about e-disclosure, has made a number of comments on the failures of the Bank in respect of disclosure and includes considerable criticism of the legal team representing them. The relatively complex claim…