The Language Skills of the English
Does our notoriously blinkered approach mean that we will never ‘get’ EU law?…
Does our notoriously blinkered approach mean that we will never ‘get’ EU law?…
Susan Barty, Isabel Davies and Phillip Carnell report on the High Court ruling in L’Oréal v eBay [2009] EWHC 1094 (Ch) that eBay was not liable for the sale of counterfeit L’Oréal products on its UK Web site. The case is the latest round in ongoing litigation in a number of jurisdictions….
What is cloud computing, and why does it matter? Bill Jones offers his insight, explains what IT lawyers have to consider when dealing with the concept and examines its legal risks….
The UK has a notoriously low level of understanding of the politics of the EU and of EU institutions and the way they operate. Monica Horten helps dispel some of the mystery surrounding the links between the Telecoms Package, 3-strikes and Amendment 138 – and explains why it all matters….
This article from Simon Deane-Johns is based on a presentation to the Society for Computers and Law Internet Governance Conference in May 2009. It briefly defines and explains behavioural targeting of Internet advertising, and examines the requirements and issues relating to the consent of the targeted user….
Read More… from Behavioural Targeting of Internet Advertising
This blog post allows access to the meeting material and allows SCL members to comment on the meeting, raise issues and continue any debate that arose at the meeting itself…
Read More… from Open Source – Corporate Boon or Burden? The Meeting Blog
Do the judgments in L’Oréal v eBay and Interflora v Marks & Spencer signal a major change in the use of trade marks in e-commerce? They may look like damp squibs but they may turn out to be explosive….
Can a party walk away from an agreement and still rely on a clause excluding liability for loss of profit? Richard Cumbley and Peter Church discuss NETTV v MARHedge [2009] EWHC 844, in which the High Court concluded that such reliance is possible only where very strong words are used….
Andrew Harbison and Pearse Ryan discuss the topics of data leakage and data compromise. They ask the question: how can leakage and compromise be prevented. If that is not possible, how can their consequences be managed or mitigated?…
Read More… from Data Leakage and Data Compromise: Causes and Preventative Steps
Clive Davies reviews Richard Susskind’s book ‘The End of Lawyers?’…