Clean Technology: The White Knight Sector
CMS partners Paul Sheridan and Ian Stevens explain how the move towards a low carbon economy could have an impact on business valuations similar in scale to the credit crunch….
CMS partners Paul Sheridan and Ian Stevens explain how the move towards a low carbon economy could have an impact on business valuations similar in scale to the credit crunch….
Paul Longhurst’s carefully considered predictions somehow disappeared into the ether, but deserve a proper audience. Read his predictions for IT developments in the law firm in 2009….
A summary of the responses to the Government consultation has now been published….
Renzo Marchini and Tim Browning look at the case of Directmedia Publishing GmbH v Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and speculate about the grey line between consultation and extraction….
This issue is dominated by expert predictions on IT law, IT applications for lawyers and all manner of related issues. I am refraining from including my predictions (which can be read online) simply because we have an abundance of riches here. I am absolutely delighted with the level and the quality of the response to…
This is a selection of the predictions on the SCL Web site. These predictions cover developments in IT law and expected changes in social trends that have an impact on IT law….
This contribution to our Predictions 2009 deserves its own slot. Andrew Katz allows himself a little fun and predicts that Microsoft will embrace open source – and explains why he’s not mad to suggest it….
Read More… from Predictions 2009: Microsoft Becomes Open Source Leader
The leading copyright expert William Patry has accepted SCL’s invitation to give the SCL Lecture 2009 on 24 March. The Lecture is given as a tribute to Sir Hugh Laddie QC….
Read More… from SCL Lecture 2009: William Patry on Copyright
Read the latest responses to the call for predictions. This batch includes an especially perceptive piece from Nigel Miller, a ray of hope from Nick Holmes and a wholly derivative contribution from Laurence Eastham…
Social networking and other Web sites that enable user-generated content (known as UGC) to be uploaded and viewed by users are big news and big business. Robert Goldstone and James Gill review the dangers that arise in relation to copyright infringement….
Read More… from Web Site Operators & Liability for UGC – Facing up to Reality?