Gowers Review Consultation

The UK Intellectual Property Office has published its proposed changes to the copyright exceptions in a document entitled Taking Forward the Gowers Review of Intellectual Property. Responses are sought by 8 April 2008.   While the focus for many with an interest in technology has generally been on format shifting, all of the proposed changes…

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KM and Clients

‘Knowledge Management’ is an expression that has been around in law firms for a while now, but the term is often confined to organisation within the firm of its internal legal know-how. In this article we explore the use of knowledge management techniques to disseminate knowledge about clients to all within the firm who need…

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Predictions 2008: Forensics and Discovery

From Chris Dale, consultant specialising in litigation support and e-discovery: www.chrisdalelawyersupport.co.uk/ A judge strikes out a Statement of Case because the party has failed to comply with the disclosure requirements of the Practice Direction to Part 31 CPR. The Court of Appeal upholds the decision, finding that the judge acted proportionately and within his management…

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My first prediction is that SCL members are in for a bumper year. Even if your stocking was not filled with all that you hoped, I am sure that SCL will more than make up for the fact that the feverishly anticipated wii turned out to be socks. With lots of plans afoot for a…

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