Personal Data: The ICO guidance
Beverley Flynn recounts and analyses the recent guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office…
Beverley Flynn recounts and analyses the recent guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office…
Intendance,, best known for their annual investigation into legal Web sites: ‘Intendance Fast Fifty Solicitors’ Websites 2007: Who is Winning and Why?, have revealed the findings of their survey of the graduate-focused web pages of top law firms….
Read More… from Web Site Recruitment: Are Law Firms Getting it Right?
The leading thinker on law and cyberspace, the creator of the ‘code is law’ approach and most cited source in every debate on copyright and software, Professor Lawrence Lessig, has agreed to present the SCL Lecture 2008 on 30 April. The lecture will be dedicated to the memory of Alan Brakefield….
Read More… from Larry Lessig to Present the SCL Lecture 2008
October has been quite a month for survey results. Read a summary here….
Graham Hann identifies the key issues which need to be addressed in contracts for collaborative technology partnerships….
Read More… from Key Legal Issues in Collaborative Technology Partnerships
Chris Dale describes new moves that are taking place to make constructive progress on e-disclosure, to encourage the courts to be more involved in managing e-disclosure and to promote understanding of the solutions available….
The doors are open for registration of .asia domain names…
Nicholas Baatz QC examines the law on determining culpability for delay and disruption in IT projects…
It is usually software and gadgets that gets the attention and the hardware we spend most of our time using tends to get neglected. Adam Westbrooke helps corrects the balance and examines the trends….
Creative Commons is having an increasing impact on copyright in all sorts of fields. Andrew Mills outlines the basics that you have to know to retain credibility….