Code clarity comes up from down under
David Flint reviews two recent Australian decisions and reflects on the friction between copyright protection devices and devices restricting free trade and consumer use….
David Flint reviews two recent Australian decisions and reflects on the friction between copyright protection devices and devices restricting free trade and consumer use….
Rosemary Jay is a Senior Consultant atMasons (Manchester) and was formerly Legal Adviser to the Data ProtectionRegistrar. She may be contacted at Rosemary Jay Proposed Orders The Home Office has published a further seven draftorders under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA 98) which are available on itsWeb site at The proposed orders…
Software Licensing – Changes in US Laws may Affect UK Practice…
Read More… from Software Licensing – Changes in US Laws may Affect UK Practice
Adrienne Seaman is an assistant solicitor in StephensonHarwood’s IT and Telecomms Unit. Her focus is increasingly on e-commerce andshe has recently been involved in advising a range of clients, includingretailers, financial service providers and banks on the establishment andoperation of Internet trade. The increasing importance of e-commerce is seen every day, with pressattention focusing on…
Stephen Mason is a Barrister who specialises in e-commerce,Information Technology and contract law. He is also a consultant to KaltonsSolicitors. Telephone 01462 701098 or 020 7278 1817; email The fourth edition of his e-book, ‘The Year 2000: A guide tothe legal issues for business’ is available as a free download from third edition…
Read More… from Electronic Signatures: The Technical and Legal Ramifications
Wendy Beecham was interviewed by Laurence Eastham, themagazine’s Co-ordinating Editor. The arrival of a new MD at Sweet & Maxwell, the oldest legal publisher,is not an obvious source of news for SCL’s members – a brief snippetperhaps, but hardly grounds for a full-scale interview. In fact such has beenthe frequency of change in that post…
Read More… from Wendy Beecham – New Head of Sweet & Maxwell/Westlaw UK
As part of our declared aim to keep readers aware of the latest cases, we publish brief summaries of the IT cases covered by Lawtel in October and November, plus one hot case from December.
Millennium Legal Motorway The lasting mark for the millennium in my immediate neighbourhood is asweeping bridge and revitalised railway track – Black Dog Halt, the redundantstation, is now part of the scenery on the Millennium Cycleway. It seemed to mea fitting way to celebrate the event – something useful and lasting whichwould improve the quality…
Melonie Atraghji gives a brief account of one aspect of a recent domain name case, Global Projects Management Limited and another v Citigroup Inc and others, 17 October 2005….