Product Review: OCR ‘Pen’ Devices

Peter Sommer is Research Fellow at the Computer SecurityResearch Centre, London School of Economics, earns most of his income fromadvising insurers and in expert witness work and is Special Advisor to theCommons Trade and Industry Select Committee on E-Commerce. Details: Nearly all of the Optical Character Recognition packages available assume thatthe source material consists of…

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Mars and Bars on Software Protection

William Cook is a solicitor in the Intellectual Property andCommunications Groups at Simmons & Simmons, with particular experience inpatent litigation and advice relating to copyright and other forms of protectionof computer software. The recent decision in Mars UK Ltd v Teknowledge (11 June 1999) raisesimportant issues for companies making goods containing computer software, inparticular concerning…

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Duty to Advise and Warn: Careless Talk Costs

Sarah Ahmed is a Partner and Head of the Commercial Departmentat Anthony Gold Lerman & Muirhead. She can be contacted on 0171 940 4000. Management consultancy, including computer consultancy, is one of theso-called ‘new professions’ who can buy insurance labelled ‘professionalindemnity’ to underwrite their competence. The case of Stephenson Blake (Holdings) Ltd v Streets Heaver…

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Free the Law!

Professor Graham Greenleaf, the co-founder and Co-Director of theAustralasian legal Information Institute (AustLII) is coming to London inNovember. He will take the opportunity on his visit to speak at a meeting on 8November which is jointly organised by SCL on the subject of access to law viathe Internet and to update his audience on AustLII…

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Future Regulation of E-commerce and Commercial Communications in the EU

Iain G. Mitchell QC, a member of the Scottish Committee of theSociety for Computers and Law, Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Lawyers’ EuropeanGroup, and a Senior Counsel at the Scottish Bar with an extensive civilpractice, reports on a joint meeting of the Scottish Group and the ScottishLawyers’ European Group held in Edinburgh on Thursday 22 January…

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What Remedies are Available for a Supplier if its Rights in Software are Innocently Infringed?

Jonathan Carter Shaw is a solicitor in Manches’ IT group and isbased in Oxford. He can be contacted by telephone on 01865 722 106 or by e-mailon In Microsoft Corporation v Plato Technology Limited [1999]Masons CLR 87, the High Court stated that,where a person had infringedintellectual property rights in software, the relief it would…

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