E-commerce Policy Developments in the UK and the EU
Heather Rowe is a Partner at Lovell White Durrant….
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Heather Rowe is a Partner at Lovell White Durrant….
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Iain G. Mitchell QC, a member of the Scottish Committee of theSociety for Computers and Law, Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Lawyers’ EuropeanGroup, and a Senior Counsel at the Scottish Bar with an extensive civilpractice, reports on a joint meeting of the Scottish Group and the ScottishLawyers’ European Group held in Edinburgh on Thursday 22 January…
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Jonathan Carter Shaw is a solicitor in Manches’ IT group and isbased in Oxford. He can be contacted by telephone on 01865 722 106 or by e-mailon jonathan.cartershaw@manches.co.uk In Microsoft Corporation v Plato Technology Limited [1999]Masons CLR 87, the High Court stated that,where a person had infringedintellectual property rights in software, the relief it would…
Kit Burden is a Senior Assistant Solicitor at Barlow Lyde &Gilbert Kit specialises in IT, IP and commercial contract issues. As the volume of communication via the Internet by both social andbusiness users continues to rocket upwards, attention has increasingly focusedon the role played by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), in particular inrelation to the postings…
Rosemary Jay is Legal Adviser to the Data Protection Registrar.This is the first in an occasional series of updating columns. It has to be said that the victories of local football teams have figuredlarge in discussions in the Registrar’s office over the last few weeks anddays but some time has been spared to consider other…
Jemima Stratford is a barrister at Brick Court Chambers, London,who specialises in European law including competition law, and in human rightslaw. Jemima is co-author with fellow barrister James Flynn of Competition:Understanding the 1998 Act (Palladian, 1999) The Competition Act 1998 introduces radical and long overdue reforms of UKcompetition law. When the Act received Royal Assent…
Read More… from The Competition Act 1998: A Short Guide for IT Lawyers
Karen Leyshon is a IT Specialist Solicitor with Morgan Cole,based in Reading. On 1 January 1998 the European Directive on Databases was introducedinto UK law by way of the Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations 1997. Itwould seem to be a good time now, more than one year later, to reflect on howthe new legislation…
Tamzin Mathews reviews Stephen Mason’s book and highly recommends it….
A past Chairman of SCL(1990-92), Richard Susskind is the author of The Future of Law (OUP,1998 paperback). He is IT Adviser to the Lord ChiefJustice, he consults to leading professional firms and lectures internationally.His e-mail address is richardsusskind@msn.com….
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Fiona Sandford is a litigation solicitor who recently completed an MSc in Information Systems….