Future Regulation of E-commerce and Commercial Communications in the EU

Iain G. Mitchell QC, a member of the Scottish Committee of theSociety for Computers and Law, Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Lawyers’ EuropeanGroup, and a Senior Counsel at the Scottish Bar with an extensive civilpractice, reports on a joint meeting of the Scottish Group and the ScottishLawyers’ European Group held in Edinburgh on Thursday 22 January…

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What Remedies are Available for a Supplier if its Rights in Software are Innocently Infringed?

Jonathan Carter Shaw is a solicitor in Manches’ IT group and isbased in Oxford. He can be contacted by telephone on 01865 722 106 or by e-mailon jonathan.cartershaw@manches.co.uk In Microsoft Corporation v Plato Technology Limited [1999]Masons CLR 87, the High Court stated that,where a person had infringedintellectual property rights in software, the relief it would…

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The Competition Act 1998: A Short Guide for IT Lawyers

Jemima Stratford is a barrister at Brick Court Chambers, London,who specialises in European law including competition law, and in human rightslaw. Jemima is co-author with fellow barrister James Flynn of Competition:Understanding the 1998 Act (Palladian, 1999) The Competition Act 1998 introduces radical and long overdue reforms of UKcompetition law. When the Act received Royal Assent…

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