Book Review
A Report for the Government Study Fellowship, by Ian Burdon. The Registers of Scotland
A Report for the Government Study Fellowship, by Ian Burdon. The Registers of Scotland
Andrew Katz, Brethertons Thank you for yet another interesting and informative Computers and Law.May I be permitted to make the following point about computer cryptography: Since the technology is now widely available to enable anyone with access tothe Internet to encrypt information in a way which we are led to believe ispractically uncrackable (for example…
The IT-related image which has stuck with me over the last few weeks relatesto the progress of the Breitling balloonists. I know that it was a high-techenterprise itself but it was a local reaction which haunts me. Here in the heartof rural Wiltshire there was great excitement over their progress because alocal man was involved,…
A past Chairman of SCL(1990-92), Richard Susskind is the author of The Future of Law (OUP,1998 paperback). He is IT Adviser to the Lord ChiefJustice, he consults to leading professional firms and lectures internationally.His e-mail address is….
Read More… from IT in the Civil Justice System of England and Wales
Fiona Sandford is a litigation solicitor who recently completed an MSc in Information Systems….
John and Rosemary are partners with Oxley & Coward, a nicheIT law firm (….
Read More… from A Practical Guide to Buying and Selling IT Businesses
Richard Harrison is a litigation partner at Laytons, with a particular interest in computer and intellectual property disputes. He can becontacted on 0171842 8000 or….
Read More… from Unacceptable Linking . . . is Shetland relevant?
The authors are members of Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) ), a non-profit civil liberties organisation which was founded in January 1997 withthe aim of promoting free speech and privacy in regard to the Internet. Yaman Akdeniz spoke on these issues to the Internet Interest Group on 22 March….
Read More… from Internet Privacy: Cyber- Crimes vs Cyber-Rights
Harjinder S. Obhi BSc, PhD (physics) is a solicitor specialising in Intellectual Property law at Bristows, 3 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, LondonWC2A 3AA(….
John MacKenzie is an Associate with Bird Semple Tech Media. He advises Inner Workings Limited in relation to contentious intellectual property matters….