A Glimpse of the Future (a web of unnatural laws)
Peter Cochrane is Head of BT Research Laboratories.
Read More… from A Glimpse of the Future (a web of unnatural laws)
Peter Cochrane is Head of BT Research Laboratories.
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Christine Yates is IT Manager at Oxley & Coward of Rotherham….
Read More… from From Conception to Birth – a Rotherham firm’s technology quest
David Higdon is a registered Law Society consultant for the provision of strategic computer and Lexcel consultancy to legal practices.He isa partner in James & Cowper and a leading member of their legal servicesteam. He can be contacted by telephone on 01189 590261 or by e-mail at dhigdon@jamescowper.co.uk….
Read More… from Investing in Computers – Using Surveys to Obtain the Comfort Factor
Delia Venables is a computer consultant specialising in the legal market. This article is a version of one of her 1998 series of Nuggetts.Delia also writes the Guide to the Internet for Lawyers and the InternetNewsletter for Lawyers. She can be contacted on 01273 472424 or at delia@venables.co.uk….
Nicholas Wood is a director of Net Searchers International Ltd, the UK based company which assists brand and trademark specialists to protect intellectual property on the Internet through audits, searching, monitoring, tracking and registrations….
Richard Harrison uses the recent British Sugar case to take stock of a potentially confusing area of law. Richard is a litigation partner in Laytons and can be contacted on 0171 842 8000 or rmh@laytons.com….
The International Federation of Computer Law Associations’ Conference takes place in Oxford on 8 and 9 July….
Peter Bullock is a Partner at Masons and heads their Informationand Technology Law Group in Hong Kong having relocated there from Masons’London office last year. He may be contacted by e-mail at peter-bullock@masons.com….
Herald D.J. Jongen (Rotterdam) and Paul L. Reeskamp (Amsterdam) are partners at Loeff Claeys Verbeke, specialising in Information Technology Law…
Martin Risely works for Cadence Europress Ltd, a developer of legal software….