Professional Services Firms Must Change
John Kay of PA Consulting Group believes that gradual but inexorable change in client expectations and the business environment means more of the same is no longer enough….
John Kay of PA Consulting Group believes that gradual but inexorable change in client expectations and the business environment means more of the same is no longer enough….
Andrea Pointing of ITNET looks at the use of mobile and remote technologies to create a seamless roaming strategy and describes the criteria for choosing a partner for such a venture….
Read More… from Seamless Roaming and the Legal Organisation: Choosing a Partner
Professor Ewan McKendrick gave a lecture to the SCL London Group on 22 September covering certain developments in contract law as they affect IT lawyers. This is the edited text of that lecture. SCL is grateful to him, both for granting permission for the text to be made available on the Web site and for the considerable work involved in converting that text into this form. SCL is also grateful to Wordwave for its transcription of the lecture….
David Flint examines the import of the MGM v Grokster decision….
Read More… from Stemming the Peer To Peer Outflow at Source – maybe
Joe Reevy analyses data on what visitors actually do when they visit a law firm site – as opposed to what you think they should do….
Raymond Henley is Chairman of the Northern Group. He can be contacted on 01244 335441 or….
The recent dispute between Reed Executive PLC and Reed Business Information Limited over the use of the mark REED on a job vacancy web site including its metatags and in related banner ads recently came before the High Court. Reed Executive triumphed and deservedly so in the view of the author, however, the reasoning employed in the case could in the view of the author result in some very unfair outcomes if followed in the future in the context of metatags….
Read More… from Metatags and the Reed case – a few discordant notes?
In the wake of the offshore outsourcing phenomenon, Peter Hall, Bill Jones, Kevin Lowe and Patrick Brodie, partners at Wragge & Co LLP, look at the various structures that might be considered. The article looks especially at India and the special considerations, and tax breaks, which apply there….
Read More… from Offshore Outsourcing – Learning From Experience
Chris Scroggs looks at the latest anti-piracy Directive….
This article from Marc-Antoine Ledieu delves into the confusion which can arise whenever, and wherever, software is developed….