Seamless Roaming and the Legal Organisation: Choosing a Partner

The legal marketplace is truly dynamic. The opening up of new markets, increased competition and demands from clients mean law firms need to maintain their competitive advantage, keep fee earners and staff happy and reduce business process times, complexities and costs. Furthermore, the increasing pace of mergers, acquisitions and general re-structuring of business is driving…

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Processing Anonymous Data

It was generally assumed that data which did not identify individuals fell outside the scope of the Data Protection Act 1998 and therefore the restrictions imposed on the use of “personal data” did not apply. However, recent legal guidance issued by the UK Information Commissioner has thrown this into doubt. Partner Nigel Wildish and assistant Marcus Turle, of the IT & E-commerce group at City law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse, discuss why data controllers may have to rethink how anonymous data are handled….

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The Society for Computers and Law Internet Interest Group Comments on the Draft Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 and on the Guidance Notes issued to explain them [The draft Regulations are available at,the guidance for business is available at] Introduction The Society for Computers and Law is the leading UK organisation for…

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The Conversion of

What may turn out to be a milestone in legal thinking about the Internet is currently awaiting decision by the California Supreme Court. It concerns the rights to “”, the domain name for a Web site offering links to a variety of sex-related online services. David Marchese explains the background to the case, which is not unsurprisingly murky. He feels that it is the ingenuity of those involved in the case that raises wider issues about how the information society and the law interact….

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Have you protected your business from the criminal within?

When organisations think about IT risks, their initial thought is towards external threats from hackers and viruses. However, the reality is that over 70% of IT security breaches are from internal sources, so businesses should really look inwards before looking for the external threat. Andrew Durant explains that ensuring you have the right people in place within your organisation is the best start you can make to reduce any threats….

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