The Pirate Bay and ‘Making Available’
The CJEU has held that online sharing platforms may be infringing copyright by enabling those accessing material in a way which undermines copyright protection…
The CJEU has held that online sharing platforms may be infringing copyright by enabling those accessing material in a way which undermines copyright protection…
David Chaplin, the SCL’s Development Editor, offers some brief observations on last week’s outstanding Annual Conference…
Graham Smith is one of the speakers at the SCL Conference in the session covering new trends in data interception, use and retention. While this piece from Graham does not reflect his input in that focused session, it is an important contribution to the much-needed debate on Internet freedoms….
Laurence Eastham reviews a new book from David J Harvey, Collisions in the Digital Paradigm: Law and Rule Making in the Internet Age (Hart Publishing; 401 pp: ISBN 978-1-50990-652-9)…
Read More… from Book Review: Collisions in the Digital Paradigm
The winner of the SCL Essay Prize is Lottie Michael….
Neil Brown reviews Sarah Jamie Lewis’s edited book ‘Queer Privacy’, and reflects on what lawyers and privacy advisors can do differently in light of its message….
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that granting police access to computer files containing child pornography material without prior judicial authorisation, in a non-emergency situation, violated the owner’s right to respect for his private life…
Read More… from Human Rights Judgment: Access to Computer Files Without Judicial Authorisation
Lorraine Chimbga reviews We Know All About You: The Story of Surveillance in Britain and America
by Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones (OUP, 304 pp, £18.99) ISBN: 9780198749660…
Laurence Eastham comments on the ICO’s strategic plan….
As we prepare for the GDPR, Bob Miller thinks the time is right to remind us of the legal regime that will run in parallel with it and calls on the ICO to practise what it preaches….