European Commission’s Internal Task Force on FinTech
Pearse Ryan and Robert Cain highlight the role of an EU task force and the issues it is likely to address…
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Pearse Ryan and Robert Cain highlight the role of an EU task force and the issues it is likely to address…
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Manish Soni sheds some light on a vital area – trusted computing – which underpins our computing and which few IT lawyers understand…
In light of the judgment in CG v Facebook in the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal, Professor Lorna Woods asks: when is Facebook liable for illegal content under the E-commerce Directive?…
Read More… from Facebook, Illegality and the E-commerce Directive
Laurence Eastham offers a cautionary tale about the monitoring of movements…
Heather Burns explains how proposed changes to the taxation of cross-border digital services represent an acknowledgement of the unintended consequences of digital legislation….
Read More… from E-commerce: EC to Lower the Burdens of Cross-border Taxation
An entertaining and insightful article from Rohit Talwar and Alexandra Whittington, as they look ahead to a very different law firm environment in 2025. Their stories from the future might just motivate you in the present….
Alex Charlton QC, Matthew Lavy and Gideon Shirazi review the effect of recent Court of Appeal decisions on a common contract clause that seeks to prevent variations to contractual terms outside the specified change control procedure…
A recent preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union casts further light on issues concerning jurisdiction, online sale prohibitions, website liability and the measure of damages…
Read More… from E-commerce: Prohibitions on Resale and Jurisdiction
Malcolm Dowden and Alastair Mitton suggest a specific application of the IoT that might help in dispute resolution…
Read More… from Filling the Evidence Gap: A Case for the Internet of Things?
Neil Brown with some near-term thoughts and predictions…