An SCL Standard-form IT Services Contract?
This is a joint blog post from Clive Davies (immediate past SCL Chair) and Roger Bickerstaff (current SCL Chair) suggesting an important new initiative for SCL…
This is a joint blog post from Clive Davies (immediate past SCL Chair) and Roger Bickerstaff (current SCL Chair) suggesting an important new initiative for SCL…
The Court of Appeal has allowed the appeal in Smeaton v Equifax, to cries of relief from credit reference agencies and many other handlers of complex data…
Read More… from Data Protection and Credit Reference Agencies
The Court of Appeal’s judgment in Football Dataco v Sportradar has implications for claims against Pinterest, Tumblr and other social media sites. There may be more to come, with a further appeal in prospect. Akash Sachdeva and Gareth Dickson explain….
The EU Commission is to consult on a proposal for a revised competition regime for technology transfer agreements…
Read More… from EU Consultation on Technology Transfer Agreements
Julian Milford reports on the FTT’s decision on the data protection aspects of the dispute over the Southampton City Council decision to require licensed taxis to make audio-visual recordings of passengers…
Read More… from Application of the DPA to Surveillance Activities
Richard Morgan is not only one of SCL’s longest-standing members but mirrors its development, going from IT proponent and exponent to widely respected IT law specialist. He looks back on SCL’s early days….
David Cran and Louise Williams pick the bones from January’s, probably final, judgment in SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd…
Read More… from Computer Program Functionality and Copyright: SAS v WPL
Tim Cowen looks at the cloud and the pitfalls associated with it. He reviews the competition issues and highlights the importance of the correct contractual provisions in cloud computing contracts…
I’ve been thinking recently about the limits of data protection recently with all the debate going on about the new Directive. I have some frustration with the debate, particularly over the validity of the consents that are given by data subjects….
Read More… from Information Law and the Limitations of Consent