Computer Hackers Sentenced
Two men have received suspended sentences for offences under the Computer Misuse Act…
Two men have received suspended sentences for offences under the Computer Misuse Act…
Professor Michael Geist considers two recent cases, in Canada and the USA, where the courts have adopted an aggressive approach in cross-border Internet jurisdiction cases….
Cathryn Evans reviews the second edition of Tomorrow’s Lawyers (OUP, 240 pp, £12.99 ISBN: 9780198796633), the latest publication from Professor Richard Susskind OBE…
The Leveson Report included a series of recommendations which related to data protection issues, and might have a considerable impact on data protection regulation in the UK. The Information Commissioner’s Office has now published its response to the relevant parts of the Report….
Here is a selection of the online predictions made by our contributors. All relate to IT for law firms, e-disclosure or related issues….
Read More… from Predictions 2013 and Beyond: IT in Law and IT for Lawyers
A set of predictions, mainly from practising IT lawyers but with a few academics too, which range widely but include predictions on the developments expected in IT law….
I do not often complain about my contributors. The Eastham office’s, non-secular, daily assembly normally includes grateful thanks to those who have supplied copy for the web site and magazine; printouts of their photographs are central to a small shrine in the corner of my office. But I was a bit shocked by the reaction…
These may be the last set of predictions of 2012 – it is hard to predict that far in advance. But we have quality predictions from John Salmon, Pearse Ryan and Stephen Mason and it would be appropriate if SCL President Richard Susskind did indeed turn out to be our last contributor for 2012….
Read More… from Predictions 2013, and beyond: Part 11, Closing Statements?
William Richmond-Coggan sees the law keeping up with technology, underlines the warnings from the Lord McAlpine debacle and demolishes a few myths, including the myth of a luddite legal system…
Paul Lambert looks across the world at various cases involving Google and takes a look at its claim to defences and denial of liability…