Disclosure of Username Data: Patel v Unite
The High Court has ordered a trade union to allow an independent expert access to their database and prepare a report for a claimant in an action involving allegedly defamatory postings on a forum….
The High Court has ordered a trade union to allow an independent expert access to their database and prepare a report for a claimant in an action involving allegedly defamatory postings on a forum….
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation into whether Samsung has used certain patent rights to distort competition in European mobile device markets…
Read More… from Commission Opens Anti-trust Proceedings against Samsung
Jenny Wilson reports on the recent SCL Northern Group meeting held at DLA Piper UK LLP on 25 January 2012….
A new initiative that makes a lot of sense and a continuing dilemma that probably doesn’t…
EU Commissioner Viviane Reding has launched the Commission’s proposals for a comprehensive reform of data protection rules, saying that the reforms will increase users’ control of their data and cut costs for businesses. See a series of comments from DP experts too….
Read More… from EU Data Protection Reform: Proposals Published
In light of a recent High Court judgment, Dr Chris Pounder suggests that the ICO can enforce unlawful processing, including Article 8 breaches, contrary to its existing standard practice…
Read More… from Data Protection: Unlawful Processing and ICO Enforcement
This article by Francis Davey was written to accompany his talk at SCL’s 6th Annual Policy Forum held in September 2011. The article includes some updates but was written before the outcome of the appeal on the refusal of judicial review relating to the Act was known….
Read More… from Does the Digital Economy Act 2010 Have a Future?
The Article 29 Working Party has published an open letter that attacks the latest form of the agreement between the European Commission and the United States of America on PNR….
Read More… from Article 29 WP Criticises the Latest PNR Agreement
David Lewis examines a recent landmark development in the regulation of video on demand services and predicts that it may be the first of many……
Read More… from Regulation of Video-on-demand Services: the ‘Sun Video‘ Appeal
Kieron O’Hara examines the right to be forgotten – what it means and whether the technology is available to implement the right. This is the first in a series of articles arising from the SCL’s 6th Annual Policy Forum held in September 2011….
Read More… from Can Semantic Web Technology Help Implement a Right to Be Forgotten?