Why you need to care about data quality during discovery
Lee Meyrick looks at how process and technology decisions determine data quality during eDiscovery…
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Lee Meyrick looks at how process and technology decisions determine data quality during eDiscovery…
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Olivia Whitcroft casts her eyes over standard terms and suggests a better way forward. She offers a mercurial warning: ‘If all you have is standard terms, everything looks like a fax machine’…
Read More… from Technology Contracts: Creative Relationships Require Creative Agreements
Pearse Ryan and Niall Donnelly bring us up to date and tell you what you need to know about the guidelines on SLAs in the cloud…
Read More… from EU Guidelines on Cloud Computing Service Agreements
This set of predictions comes from leading consultants and commentators operating in legal IT…
Since the eDisclosure oracle, Chris Dale of the eDisclosure Information Project Ltd (www.edisclosureinformation.co.uk), gave us some substantial predictions, we thought that he deserved a page of his own….
This is the fifth batch of predictions from our range of experts on IT law and related issues….
The third set of predictions from our expert contributors. Joanna Goodman and Chris Dale break the contribution rules – to very positive effect – and they and Jan DeCerce give their very substantial take on things to watch for in 2015 and beyond…
Victoria Hordern reviews the tests which apply for determining when EU data protection law applies and considers the numerous traps for the unwary…
Read More… from How Do Global Businesses Know When EU Data Protection Law Applies to Them?
Alexander de Gaye reports on the seventh module in SCL’s Foundation of IT Law, an event held at Fieldfisher on Wednesday 5 November 2014…
For many years the magazine reported on SCL events but these are now found only online. But we worry that many members are missing out on memorable and useful training opportunities. So here are two reports on events from September. Annie Clarke reports on the SCL Big Data Masterclass, Big Data & Digital: competition, consumer protection and other challengesand James Henderson reports on the sixth module in SCL’s Foundation of IT Law, Cloud Computing….