SCL Meeting Report: Cloud Computing
In the first SCL meeting in Dublin, held at Matheson, the topic was ‘Law and Regulation as we move to the Cloud’ John O’Connor reports on the event…
In the first SCL meeting in Dublin, held at Matheson, the topic was ‘Law and Regulation as we move to the Cloud’ John O’Connor reports on the event…
Richard Graham and Adam Lewington paint a Big Data landscape, and highlight the risks in the foreground and those looming on the horizon…
Read More… from The Big Data Explosion: A New Frontier in Digital Law
Pearse Ryan reports on a recent SCL meeting which explored insurance in an IT context…
Tim Cowen looks at the cloud and the pitfalls associated with it. He reviews the competition issues and highlights the importance of the correct contractual provisions in cloud computing contracts…
The EU Commission has given details of its cybersecurity plan, designed ‘to protect open internet and online freedom and opportunity’…
Chris Eastham reports on the recent meeting of the SCL IT Disputes Group, hosted and sponsored by SNR Denton LLP, where Mr Justice Akenhead gave his views…
Read More… from SCL Meeting Report: Technology and Dispute Resolution
Pearse Ryan, Claire O’Brien and Andrew Harbison outline and comment on the new legislation in Ireland which aims to target white collar crime and cybercrime in particular…
Read More… from Cybercrime in Ireland – Recent Legislative Developments
A set of predictions, mainly from practising IT lawyers but with a few academics too, which range widely but include predictions on the developments expected in IT law….
The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party has decided to set up a regime for approval of binding corporate rules for data processors…
These may be the last set of predictions of 2012 – it is hard to predict that far in advance. But we have quality predictions from John Salmon, Pearse Ryan and Stephen Mason and it would be appropriate if SCL President Richard Susskind did indeed turn out to be our last contributor for 2012….
Read More… from Predictions 2013, and beyond: Part 11, Closing Statements?