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Roger Bickerstaff provides some insights into forthcoming developments in Computers & Law and the SCL more generally…
Roger Bickerstaff provides some insights into forthcoming developments in Computers & Law and the SCL more generally…
Parallel Imports and Trade Marks: Oracle v M-Tech In Oracle v M-Tech [2010] EWCA Civ 997, the Court of Appeal held that, in a trade mark infringement case involving importation of Sun branded computer hardware from outside the EEA, M-Tech was entitled to argue that Articles 28 to 30 and 81 of the EC Treaty…
The Software Symposium Conference had some great sessions, international participation and cutting edge discussion….
Nothing new under the cloud? There is if it is a black cloud….
Does a commitment to Best Practice mean that law firms should only purchase ‘Best of Breed’ products when choosing their legal software? asks Ian Wimbush, Chairman of the Legal Software Suppliers’ Association. Or can a one-box solution offer many of the same advantages?…
David Chaplin reports on the SCL half-day seminar on ‘Getting the Deal Right – Key Commercial Schedules in Outsourcing Projects’ held on 5 October….
Read More… from A Cloudy Outlook for Outsourcing Service Levels?
The SCL Policy Forum just finished and Annual Conference just to come give effect to our IT law “community”….
Back from our holidays but there’s lots of SCL events to look forward to….
The Court of Appeal has ruled that there is an arguable case to suggest that Article 5 of the Trade Mark Directive does not exclude the defences based on Articles 28 and 30 of the EC Treaty where it is shown that the proprietor of a trade mark has adopted practices which distort trade within the single market. The Court set aside a previous ruling granting Oracle summary judgment….
Read More… from Parallel Imports and Trade Marks: Oracle v M-Tech
Andrew Charlesworth introduces the SCL 5th Annual Policy Forum – ‘The Future of Open’ which is to be held on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 September 2010 at the offices of Herbert Smith LLP, London….